Baltics - 19 June 2012 (2)

Exploring Sigulda (1)

It was a very short drive to Sigulda, but we didn’t stop at our hotel.  Instead we drove on to see the local sights.  First stop was the new Sigulda Castle.
New Sigulda Castle
We parked up close to an army of small soldiers made of metal and stone and then walked through a small park with some statues.
Model Army, Sigulda
Statue in grounds of new Sigulda Castle
The statues included one of Kronvalda Atis, who Aija said was a publicist, a philologist, a linguist and a pedagogue.  He did a lot for the development of Latvian language and also introduced some new words into the Latvian language.
Kronvalda Atis, new Sigulda Castle
To our left as we walked, there was a building which was due for restoration.  It was covered by ten photos, dating back to the early 20th century, showing people holidaying in the area.
Sigulda Castle Ruins
We didn’t go into the new Sigulda Castle, but just looked at the outside.  We walked to the rear to see the ruins of the old castle and the view over the valley from the lookout.  We could see Krimulda Manor on the far side.
Krimulda Manor
Next stop was Gūtmaņala (Gutmanis Cave).  This is the largest cave in the Baltics and has a spring. Its water is said to make you look younger, so I tried splashing my face.  Some people even tried drinking it – perhaps they were more desperate! 

Gūtmaņala (Gutmanis Cave)
Next to Gūtmaņala was the smaller Victor's Cave.
Victor's Cave
More than anything, I was really taken with the wildflowers which surrounded us as we walked from the bus to the caves.

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