Baltics - 19 June 2012 (1)


Old Guildhouse, Rīgas iela, Cēsis
Old Wooden Buildings, Cēsis
I got up at 05.45, having read for 30 minutes.  Looking outside, there were blue skies and fluffy white clouds.  I was ready early, so I finished my book before breakfast.  Breakfast was very good and the staff were efficient at topping things up.

St John's Church, Cēsis
Old Man of Time and his Lantern, Cēsis
I left as soon as I was done and went back to the room.  There were now grey skies and heavy rain.  There was enough time for a quick change of clothes, but I kept my sandals and skirt out in case things improved.

We were all on the bus for 08.00, heading for Cēsis, with a final stop in Sigulda in the Gauja National Park.

New Castle, Ladermaher Tower
We had a brief rest stop in Madona.  While we stood in the car park, waiting for the others to come back, I couldn’t help noticing how many Latvians had small dogs.  Several people got out of their cars, accompanied by small bundles of fur.

New Castle, Cēsis
I slept on the bus and so missed the scenery and wildlife.  Janet said that she had seen three stork nests.  Ian had seen a large brown bird of prey take off from a field but had been unable to identify it.

We reached Cēsis just after 11.00 and went for a short walk around the town.  We walked down Rīgas iela, the main street and reached the market place.  Unfortunately, it wasn’t market day, so it was all very quiet.  The others looked at St John’s Church on the square and then we walked to the castle.

Cēsis Castle, West Tower, First Bailey
Cēsis Castle, Southwest Bridge
There are two adjacent castles – the new castle and the ruins of the older castle.  To get to the ruins, we had to walk through the new castle, which holds an exhibition.  Some of us were given lanterns with candles to negotiate some dark stairs.  Before we went in, Aija warned us about the stairs and issued a disclaimer that she would not take any responsibility if we went up.  She wouldn’t let Roberta climb.

Cēsis Castle, Western Tower & Southern Section
Cēsis Castle, Southern Tower
We went in and headed for the main part of the ruins.  I decided to go in the tower, but only went as far as the duke’s bedroom.  After the others went up to the top of the tower, I decided to try to join them, but it got too dark after a while, so I went back down to the bedroom.  A nice French couple let me go down to ground level with them so that I could see by their lantern.  Then I restricted my explorations to ground level.

Cēsis Castle, Bailey Wall
Castle Park from Cēsis Castle
I headed back to the new castle and had a quick look round the exhibition.  I missed the group diversion to the burial place of a statue of Lenin.  It had been removed from a square and then hidden from view.

Cēsis Castle, Eastern Corner
Cēsis Castle, Southwestern Rooms
Leaving the castle, we walked past May Park with its fountains and the others went with Aija to a self-service restaurant.  I was suffering hot chocolate withdrawal symptoms, so May and I went to a coffee shop on Rīgas iela.  As well as our drinks, we both had pieces of a very chocolaty cake as lunch.  The barista wrote “nice day” on my hot chocolate and “Cēsis” on May’s cappuccino.

May Park, Cēsis
Lunch, Cēsis
At the end of the street was the Raunas Gate.  Here were some lovely flower arrangements and a huge picture frame.  May and I had a bit of fun, standing in the frame and taking photos of ourselves.  Some passers-by had a chuckle at these crazy tourists.

A Crazy Tourist in the Frame, Raunas Gate, Cēsis 
Flowers, Rīgas ielaCēsis
Flowers by Victory Monument, Cēsis
We risked life and limb walking to the centre of Vienības Square at the top of Rīgas iela, but we wanted to see all the flowers and the Victory Monument.  Vienības Square is open to traffic, which uses the monument as a roundabout.  May was impressed with the architecture of a bank, near the entrance to a side street.  The building consisted of a very modern spire attached to some older buildings.

Victory Monument, Cēsis
Modern Building, Cēsis
Our plan was to sit in the gardens behind the Victory Monument, but we spotted the others before we could sit down.  They had already finished their meal, so we were all back on the bus at 13.15 as ordered.

As we drove out of town, we passed Castle Park behind the castle and the Christ Transfiguration Orthodox Church.  Further on there were some 18th century wooden buildings.

Castle Park, Cēsis
18th Century Wooden Building, Cēsis
Back in the countryside, there were some lovely deep pink wild flowers as well as more lupins.

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