Baltics - 18 June 2012 (2)

Return to Latvia

Daugavpils Town Crest in Flowers
Then it was back on the bus, with the next stop across the border in Daugavpils.  I was asleep when Aija announced that we were crossing the border back into Latvia.  I’d fallen asleep again when we entered Daugavpils and it was very hard to keep my eyes open during the drive round city tour.  I remember Aija pointing out the railway.  Her aunt was kept in a railway carriage here before being deported along with many other people, so it was an important place for her.  I woke up fully when we passed a fountain in a central park area.

Recommended for Hot Chocolate
Tram in Daugavpils
We parked up near the town centre and most people headed to the supermarket to change their money.  I had changed enough for both journeys through Latvia, so I went across the road to the Sokoladna Kafeinica for a hot chocolate.  It was wonderful – just like the one I’d had the first night in Riga – and came in a small cup.  It only cost LVL1.50.  The café was full of ladies who lunch, indulging in coffee, sorbets,fruit, ice-cream and cake – as well as chocolate.

Our Bus and Tram in Daugavpils
Sts Boris & Gleb Orthodox Cathedral
Then I walked further up the road.  This was a bustling shopping centre, with a couple of malls.  I got as far as a church, but took a photo of a tram instead.  There were some nice flower arrangements around the town.

As we drove out of town, Aija pointed out an area with four churches, including a very pretty Russian Orthodox church.

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