Baltics - 17 June 2012 (2)

Vilnius City Tour Continues

Replicas of Four Guild Buildings
Abandandoned Kittens
We walked up a small hill, from the top of which we got some good views of the city.  While we were taking photos, I noticed a lady who was walking two dogs.  The dogs had found two small, abandoned kittens, so the lady covered them with newspaper to keep them warm and placed them on a seat so they would be more comfortable.  Then she rang a rescue agency and told us she would wait until they came.  As someone who does a lot of fundraising work for the local RSPCA rescue home in York, it was lovely to know that there were also people and organisations here who cared about animals.

Remnant of Vilnius City Walls
Gate of Dawn, Vilnius
Further along the path was a tiny remnant of the old city walls.  Then we continued our climb and emerged opposite the Gate of Dawn, which Geirdre said was the only remaining gate to the city.

We went through the gate and passed under the chapel which houses the painting of “Our Lady of the Gate of Dawn”.  This is a very famous and much venerated painting and we could see people queuing up to see it.

Jewish Quarter, Vilnius
First Private Hotel, Jewish Quarter, Vilnius
We walked down the hill, passing several more churches – a 16th century Russian Orthodox church; the Italianate church of St Teresa; the Basilian gates leading to the Uniates Church of the Holy Trinity; and finally St Casimir’s Church – and came out into familiar territory, next to the Town Hall.

Vilnius University Courtyard
Door, University Library
Then Geirdre led us into the Jewish Quarter of the city.  Vilnius had a large population of Jews prior to WWII, but the vast majority were murdered during the war.  Now an ageing remnant remains, trying to preserve its heritage.  Now most of the buildings have different uses – Geidre pointed out one which housed the first private owned hotel set up after independence from Russia.

Presidential Palace, Vilnius
Begonias outside Presidential Palace
This corner of the city also held some university buildings.  We went into the courtyard in front of the library and astronomy department.  The library had some wonderfully ornate doors.

Square of Wishes, Vilnius
The presidential palace was just round the corner.  I was particularly impressed with the begonias outside.

The final stop on our tour was outside the cathedral.  Geidre took us to the square of wishes, one of the many tiles in the cathedral square.  The human chain linking Vilnius, Riga and Talinn is said to have begun from this square.

More Churches of Vilnius
Church of the Ascension
Church of St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist

Chapel of Our Lady of the Gate of Dawn
Russian Orthodox Church of the Holy Spirit
Church of St. Theresa
Basilian Gate to Holy Trinity Church

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