Baltics - 17 June 2012 (4)

Evening in Vilnius

I used the hotel internet for a bit and then May and I got ready to hit the town again for a meal.  As we left, we ran into Ian and Sue coming back.  Ian asked us to wait 15 minutes, so we did.  Then the four of us walked back to Vilnius gatve and started to look for somewhere to eat.

St George & Dragon on Vilnius Building
When we got to the town hall, we heard a jazz band playing outside.  The piece they were playing was a bit discordant, but then the drummer did a solo which was very good.  As Ian is very fond of live music, we stopped to listen.  A girl sang “Funny Valentine”.  She had a very good voice, as did another girl who sang “Smoke Gets in Your Eyes”.  The band finished with “When the Saints Go Marching In” and seemed to be having a lot of fun.  We all felt that it was good timing to have arrived when we did as we all enjoyed it, especially Ian.

Young Musicians outside Town Hall
While we listened, I noticed the Sky restaurant coming back to earth.  The diners wore harnesses and were put on board, as were their dinners, which were kept under cloches, and then it went back up again.  Later, Ian saw them just come down for desert before going back up.  We walked past the entrance and saw that a meal was LTL300 per person or LTL500 for two people.  There were no vegetarian options.

So we went to Amatininkų užeiga, further down the square, and sat outside.  As we were given the menus, David and Dulcie materialised, so they joined us.  They had spent the afternoon visiting all the churches we had walked past during our morning tour.  They must have been very busy!  Then Ann appeared.  She and Bob were in the same restaurant but in the seating in the middle of the square.  They had nearly finished their meal so didn’t join us.

Amatininkų užeiga Sign
I had tomato pancakes with vegetables, which included artichoke, which was very nice.  I drank water and finished with a chocolate cake and coffee and it came to LTL33.  Dulcie ate all her meal too, but I don’t think the others were over-impressed.

Then we all walked back.  It was good to have a chance to chat to David.  Unfortunately, I had to rush back as we neared the hotel.  Aija was sitting outside with a friend.  I said “hello” as I dashed past, but the others stopped and chatted.

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