Baltics - 16 June 2012 (2)

Sunshine in Trakai

Trakai Castle,  Lake Galvė
Trakai Castle,  Lake Galvė
We didn’t seem to be driving for long before we reached Trakai.  This is a very pretty town with two large lakes and a castle on an island on one of the lakes - Lake Galvė.  It is very popular as an escape from Vilnius, so was very busy, with it being a weekend and wonderful weather.  Ideal for bathing, sailing, sunbathing and relaxing.

Fun in Lake Galvė
Anyone for a Pony Ride?
We were led past a row of souvenir shops and stalls until we found a yurt tent, which formed part of a restaurant.  This was Senoji Kibininé, which was recommended by Aija for its Karaim cuisine.  The Karaims came from Turkey, but were relocated to Lithuania by Vytautus Magnus.  Less than 300 Karaims remain in Lithuania nowadays, with 60-70 living in Trakai.

Keep & Courtyard, Trakai Castle
We ate the kibinai, which look like pasties.  I had a vegetable one and a spinach and kurd one, which, with a peach juice, came to LTL11.  After the disappointment of Aija’s recommendations of local dishes the previous evening, the kibinai were a pleasant surprise.

Exhibition Rooms, Trakai Castle
There were lots of people outside, many families enjoying the local entertainments.  Children climbed inside transparent floating balls and tried to stay upright as they bobbed on the lake.  A small pony gave rides to children.  His tail and mane were plaited and he didn’t look happy in the heat.  Despite his small stature, I couldn’t help but notice that he was a very big boy in one respect.

Trakai Castle
I was tempted to buy a haematite bracelet and matching necklace.  The bracelet has seen a lot of wear, but, 15 months later, the necklace is still waiting for me to restring it to replace the faulty fastening.  The thread, fastening and glue were bought many months ago, but I have yet to find a quiet evening when I am not wearing contact lenses, so I can see up close and fix it.

Moat, Trakai Castle
Aija mustered us at the foot of a bridge and we set off across the lake for the castle.  I noticed that you could hire pedalos or sailing boats or go on a boat trip to enjoy the lake, but we didn’t have time for that.  Some people were fishing and some were brave enough to go swimming.  We looked for some fish, but couldn’t see any from the bridge.

Sailing on Lake Galvė
We went inside the castle and were told that we couldn’t take any photos once past the entry gate.  So we quickly took some shots and then put our cameras away.  There were stocks and a punishment cage in the courtyard for people to try for fun.  I don't think they were used for people taking photos!

Tyszkiewicz Palace, Lake Galvé
Aija let us across the courtyard and then up the steps and over the drawbridge, before leaving us in the courtyard of the keep.  We climbed the stairs to the great hall.  On the way up, Susie hurt her ankle.  A tour group in the hall told us off for talking to Susie while they were listening to their guide.  Since none of them had said thank you to me while I waited for them to go through a door, I had no qualms about upsetting them, especially because we were on an errand of mercy.

Karaimu Gatvé, Trakai
After a quick look through the exhibition rooms and checking back on Susie, I went out and walked round the outside of the castle.  Then I went back over the bridge and bought an ice lolly.  It was much appreciated in the heat.

I went to sit down near where we were due to meet and a large group of bikers, all in black, came by and took photos of each other and the castle.

Eventually the others started to arrive and finally the bus came.  We picked up two passengers.  One was an Explore guide, preparing for her first tour – so we were lucky to get Aija, who was more experienced – and the other was her daughter.  The Explore guide also worked for the military as an interpreter.  Her daughter worked for the Ministry of Economics.

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