Southern India - 18 February 2012 (3)

Sightseeing in Mamallapuram (2)

Ramanuja Cave Temple
Girls Outside Ramanuja Cave Temple
I continued chasing the group and nearly caught them at the Ramanuja Cave Temple.  This time, I was besieged by a large group of schoolgirls wanting their photos taken.  Once again, I missed the temple and hurried off to find the group.  I walked past the new lighthouse and considered climbing up to the old lighthouse, but was far too hot to bother.  I caught up with Bella, who was watching two macaques grooming each other, and we eventually met up with the rest of the group at the Mahishasuramardini Cave Temple.

Macaques Grooming
Old Lighthouse
This was just down from the bas relief we had seen yesterday, so we knew we had reached the end of our tour.  An ice-cream salesman had parked his cart on the pavement outside the gate, so we all bought one.  It was really nice to have something cool in all that heat.

New Lighthouse
We split up and I headed off to find an internet cafĂ©.  I got lucky fairly quickly and, once again, it cost only Rs15.  Coming out, I saw a nice top on display outside a shop, so I went inside.  I ended up buying a top and a silk scarf for Rs900.  I probably should have haggled more, but time was running out.

Mahishasuramardini Cave Temple
Then I headed back to the bus, making a quick stop to buy some Magic Massala crisps and mango juice for lunch on the way.  Most of the others were already waiting for the bus, but Mike decided to go back to get some provisions too, so we had a short wait until everyone was assembled.

Panel, Mahishasuramardini Cave Temple
Back at the hotel, I had a quick shower and then dashed back to the pool to while away the afternoon.  When I got there, a group of guys were having a water polo match.  It was quite boisterous and effectively closed the pool off to other residents.  So I found a lounger near Mike and moved it into the shade in full view of the pool attendant.  We thought it amusing that his job was to save us from exerting ourselves by laying the towels out on the sunlounger, but didn’t include helping us move the loungers, which were really quite heavy.  While I was waiting for my turn in the pool, I munched my crisps and read.

Mike went off to the beach but Steve and Bella and then Diane joined me.  I went for a swim and chatted to a French lady who we had seen the day before.  She was in India for business and had been working in Pondicherry.  She had extended her trip and had brought her children with her.  They all looked so fashionable and I felt so frumpy, that I resolved to add my tankinis to the pile of unwanted clothes I would leave behind.  Although I had been a bit fed up at finding us in an expensive, remote resort when we arrived, I found myself enjoying the final, relaxing afternoon by the pool.

Back in the room, I started packing.  With so few clothes to take back to the UK, I found it difficult to work out where to put the more fragile items in my rucksack.  Jen came back after I’d had my shower and then I had a spare hour, so sat on my bed and read.

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