Southern India - 17 February 2012 (4)

Sightseeing in Mamallapuram (3)

Shore Temple, Mamallapuram
Hoard of Friendly Schoolchildren
The Shore Temple was busy when we arrived, mostly with hoards of friendly schoolchildren, who all wanted photos.  We took a quick look round and then complied with all the photo requests.  I noticed the crows battling it out in a game of “King of the Castle” on the very top of the temple and squirrels running around the roof and enjoying the evening sunshine.

Nandi Bulls, Shore Temple
Lion, Shore Temple
As we walked out of the temple site, we visited a tourist shop.  It was full of good things and I was very tempted by a peridot bracelet with evenly matched stones running all the way round.  I managed to resist, but did consider going back in the morning.

Ground Squirrel, Shore Temple
Ground Squirrel, Shore Temple
Lukose found out the price of dinner at the hotel and decided that we would eat out both evenings.  The normal pattern for two night stops had been to eat in the hotel one night and out the other night, although that hadn’t been possible in Kochi.  The upgrade for the double booking meant that we were living in real style.  While we were at the pool, someone in our group had asked a fellow resident who had paid the full price how much it cost to stay in the hotel.  It was £180 per day!  It wasn’t that surprising that dinner was so expensive.

Crow on Top of Shore Temple
Schoolgirls, Shore Temple
Before we went out, Lukose invited us all to his room for some rum and coke.  Liking neither, I just had soda and Jen just had coke, but the others all joined in.  I mostly chatted to Pam.

Schoolboy, Shore Temple
Schoolboys, Shore Temple
Dinner was at an open air diner called A2B.  I had a mushroom masala and the usual fresh lime soda, which came to Rs200 including tip – though I probably shouldn’t have tipped as the service was extremely slow.  The only time they speeded up was when they brought the bill, which they did prematurely, so I had to pay an extra Rs40 for a chocolate icecream.  There were several power cuts during the meal and it got quite dark out in the open, so our torches came in very useful.

Deer Sculptures, Shop by Shore Temple
Back at the hotel, some people went back to Lukose’s room for more rum and coke.  Jen and I went straight back to our room, to enjoy the luxury of our two double beds.

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