Southern India - 17 February 2012 (2)

Sight Seeing in Mamallapuram (1)

Draupadi Ratha
Detail, Draupadi Ratha
At 1530, we set off for some sightseeing.  First we went to the Five Rathas.  These are granite blocks, carved into small temples in the shape of chariots.  There was also a carved elephant, a lion and a Nandi bull.  Lukose gave us his tour and we walked around taking photos of everything.  Unfortunately, with it being late in the day, the shadows were long, so it was impossible to get a good shot of the Nandi bull.

Dharma Raja Ratha
Sahadeva Ratha
As we left the site, we were besieged by souvenir sellers, Mamallapuram being a very touristy area, especially for people living in nearby Chennai.  I relented and bought a carved elephant as a present.

Arjuna Ratha
Bhima Ratha

Lion at Five Rathas
Elephant at Five Rathas

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