Southern India - 17 February 2012 (1)

Arrival in Mamallapuram

I did manage to sleep, but not a lot.  The guy opposite me could snore for India, so things improved when he got off at 0430.  I tossed and turned, kicking the sheet off to get cool, constantly checking for my handbag and camera and got up at least three times to use the bathroom, which was decidedly Spartan.

Eventually, the boy on the top bunk opposite got up and pulled the curtain.  I could see a lovely red sky through the window.  I got up and cleared my bed.  The boy helped me push the bed back up – it forms the back of the seat – pull the curtain on my side, which was jammed, and put the table up for me to write.  Then the others began to stir and Lukose went round the train to wake people up at 0645.

Lukose and his Son
Ripon Building
After the normal delay in getting into the station, we reached Chennai Central and detrained.  There was a long walk to where Lukose had arranged to meet the bus, during which Lukose’s son materialised.  He is studying physics at Chennai University.  We waited by the fence in front of the Ripon building.  Reg found a gap in the fence to take photos.  Andrew used his Aussie charm and, with a “Namaste” was allowed inside.  Although I was tired and longing for a shower, it was fun watching all the traffic go by as we waited.  At last the bus arrived.  Lukose gave his son a bag of stuff, but didn’t hug him goodbye or anything.  And then we were off to Mamallapuram.

Crazy Traffic in Chennai
Crazy Traffic in Chennai
We had been doubled booked and so were upgraded to the Chariot Beach Resort.  This was far more opulent than I am used to or like and I was unhappy that we were so far out of town.  When we arrived, the foyer was full of East Asian tourists waiting to depart, so it was difficult for us to get a much needed wash and brush up.  We had breakfast, which was a bit too western and then we sat outside the restaurant until Lukose gave us the very welcome news that our rooms were ready.  I guess I was a bit tired and grumpy.

Crow Sharing Breakfast, Chariot Beach Hotel
The rooms were in chalets which ran alongside the pool, two rooms per chalet.  The rooms were large and very flash, with two double beds and a huge bathroom.  As well as the shower in the bathroom, there was one in an enclosed area outside.  We had four towels and a dressing gown.  However, the shower had a weak flow and was designed to flood the bathroom.

After a most welcome shower, it was time to head for the pool.  It was a huge pool with sunloungers along the sides.  Towels were provided.  The towel man came and carefully laid two of them on each lounger, so all we had to do was lie down.  I decided to swim and found that the pool was the perfect temperature and it got really nice and warm in the shallow end.  I stayed there until 1430, sunbathing in the shade, reading and swimming.  Most of the others did the same, but Jen and a few others went for a walk along the nearby beach.

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