Southern India - 14 February 2012 (4)

Train Trip to Ooty (3)


Waiting for Train at Coonoor Station
Downward Train Approaches Coonoor Stn
The next stop was Coonoor Station where the train swapped engines with the downward train.  This took some time as we had to wait for the downward train to come in and pull in next to us.  Then the engines had to be shunted off for the switch and, finally, the diesel engine was coupled to the front of the carriages.  The whistle blew and the train started to move off, panicking all the people still on the platform.  But the train only moved a few feet as the coupling was completed.  Everyone was on board when we eventually pulled off, although there had been some change of seating arrangements.

Downward Train in Coonoor Stn
Downward Train in Coonoor Stn
Now there was no need to fill up with water, the train made quicker progress and passed through a couple of stations.  The railway first aiders all got off when we stopped at Ketti, so we said our farewells to Nazareth and Tirupathi.  Suddenly, there was so much more room, with plenty of space under the seats now the huge suitcases had gone.

Our Train with Diesel Engine
Trains Side by Side in Coonoor Stn
The train reached Ooty around noon and we were led through the station.  I noticed signs for the “1st class waiting room – Female” and the “3rd class waiting room – Gents”.

Tea Growing in Nilgiris
Farms in Nilgiri Mountains
Our bus was waiting for us outside the station.  Harish was now wearing a jacket, but it wasn’t at all cold, just very pleasant.  We went to our hotel, the Hotel Sullivan Court, right next to the entrance to the rose garden.  It was very flash, with an atrium and all the facilities – except for free internet.

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