Baltics - 13 June 2012 (2)

More Adventures at the Seaside

Lutheran Church, Dubulti
Then we walked all the way to Dubulti.  It started to get very warm.  I spotted a bird with a chestnut brown tail on the way - sadly, one of the few birds on the trip and I didn't even know what it was.

Dubulti - Typical Wooden Building
Once in Dubulti, we called into the railway station to get the times of trains back to Riga.  Then we looked at the Lutheran Church and the Orthodox Church of St Vladimir.  This latter was blue and yellow, but had wooden scaffolding round the tower.  We walked round and went into the adjacent woods to get a side view.

Orthodox Church of St Vladimir, Dubulti
Orthodox Church of St Vladimir, Dubulti
Then we had what seemed a longer walk back to Majori, where we ate lunch in the courtyard of Restorans Majoranhoff.  May got a little bit sunburnt, even though we didn’t feel that warm.  We think that the fountain not far from our table had a cooling effect.

Dubulti Station
Hotel Majori with "Copper" Roof
I had an aubergine, cheese and tomato bake, which was very hot and tasty, plus a mango juice.  It came to LVL6.50 with a tip.  Then I dashed off up the road to get some glass animals, because I had got some more Lats from an ATM outside a Swedbank in Dubulti.

Crossing Track at Majori Stn
Health & Safety at Majori Stn
We returned to the station, but there was no sign of a train.  Given that we hadn’t crossed the track when we got off the train, I guessed that we had to cross this time.  It felt strange to just walk across the rails, although it was very easy with the platforms being so low.  We checked when we were on the other platform and people confirmed that we were in the right place to go to Riga.

Child Care at Majori Stn
St George & Dragon, Majori
A couple crossed the other track and looked at the bushes beside the line.  Were they looking for berries?  A little boy sat on the edge of the platform, with one leg dangling over the track.  His mother didn’t seem concerned.  A train came in from Riga and loomed above us.

The bend in the river meant that we could see Dubulti station and a train lying just beyond it.  We waited for it to move, but then another train came past it and pulled into the station.  It was strange being able to see it coming all the way from Dubulti to Majori.

Dubulti Stn from Majori Stn
River Lielupe
When it arrived, there was the panic of waiting for people to get off the train and then hauling ourselves on board before the doors shut.  I hurt my left arm when the inner door shut on it.

As we weren’t worried about where to get off, we could look out of the window and relax.  There was more forest than I remembered and a footpath and much-used cycle path ran alongside the line for a long way.  I did nod off before we reached Riga.
Our Train back to Riga

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