Baltics - 12 June 2012 (3)

Afternoon City Tour of Riga

Virgin of Anguish Catholic Church
Mural near Doma Laukums
After lunch we continued our city tour.  We came across Doma Laukums (Dome Square) with more open air cafés and restaurants and the Dome Cathedral, which was covered in scaffolding as it was being refurbished.

We saw the Swedish Gate and headed down the picturesque Trokšņu iela. This brought us out near the Parliament buildings.  I especially liked the old gas lights outside.

Cat House
Swedish Gate
Some people went inside St. Jacob’s church, while I wandered round and took photos.  I particularly liked the three narrow houses at the end of the street.  When the others emerged, Aija led us towards them.  They are called the Three Brothers.  We went inside one to see the old architecture and a small museum, and were then able to walk right through and look round the courtyard at the back.

Back on the street outside, we continued our walk and passed the Virgin of Anguish Catholic church.

Trokšņu iela
Parliament Building
Soon we found ourselves back in Doma Laukums, where Aija’s husband was sitting outside a café.  She introduced us to him and he showed us a brand new 1 Lat coin with a hedgehog on it.  I think he collects coins.

We said goodbye to Aija's husband and headed on to Town Hall Square, via the castle which contains the President’s Office, and St. Saviour’s Anglican Church.  In Town Hall Square, Aija pointed out the Blackheads’ House and the Town Hall and then said goodbye, before returning to her husband.  She hadn’t seen him for quite a while and now had some free time to see her family and catch up on washing and other household chores.

St Jacob's Church
Yellow & Green Brother
I dashed off to take a photo of the Latvia Riflemen Monument and then rejoined the group.  We headed back to where we had lunch and went for a coffee.  Ian ordered a bottle of water for all of us.  At LVL3.50, it was really expensive!  My iced coffee was LVL2.50, which seemed relatively cheap.  It was very nice.  Then we headed back to the hotel for a well-earned rest before going to the opera.

Rear of Three Brothers
Castle & President's Office

St Saviour's Anglican Church
St Peter's Church

Blackheads House
Latvia Riflemen Monument
Town Hall

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