Baltics - 10 June 2012 (3)

Fights During Dinner

Back in the hotel, I tried to use the internet which was a touch screen thing in the main lobby.  I tried to get the @ sign to sign on to my emails and had to go to the front bench to ask how to do so.  Meanwhile a man had got in and he was on for ages which meant a very frustrating wait to get back on.  At last it was my turn and I was able to send a quick email.  The keys and the touch screen were very temperamental and refused to work at times, which didn’t make things easy.

Then I went back to the room to get ready for the evening and buried my presents at the bottom of the suitcase.

Dinner was in Peppersack near Raekoja Plats.  They served sour cream with the bread, which was different but tasty.  I had potatoes and salad.  The potatoes were full of garlic, but that was fine as I didn’t intend to kiss anyone, and the salad came with strawberries, which was incredibly yummy.

While we were eating, two of the waiters started arguing and then started to fight.  The swords came out as they fought on the stairs and things escalated so that they used two swords each.

A waitress slapped one of them and then our waiter brought them two mugs of beer and told them to make up - which they did.  It was all great fun and, apparently, happens every night.  We wondered at the job advert – “Wanted, Waiter: Excellent sword skills essential”.

With an early start the next morning, we went back to the hotel after the meal and went straight to bed.

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