Baltics - 20 June 2012 (4)

Windmills of Angla

Windmill, Angla
Windmill, Angla
Next stop was Angla, where several wooden windmills had been collected together.  May and I decided not to pay to see them up close and went for a coffee and hot chocolate in the on-site café instead.  There was an exhibition on the floor below the café, but we weren’t allowed to go in as we didn’t have a ticket.  Aija and Dzintars sat with us.  Aija pointed out the bread which they were selling, made from flour ground in the mills.  When she disappeared, we tried to talk to Dzintars, but he only speaks Latvian and Russian.  I should have done some revision before coming as I could hardly remember any of my Russian at all.

Windmill, Angla
Windmills, Angla
The final stop in the afternoon’s sightseeing was at Karja to see the small mediaeval church of St Katharine and St Nicholas.  We didn’t stay very long as we were getting tired again.

Church of St Catharine and St Nicholas, Karja

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