Southern India - 8 February 2012 (3)

On to Madurai

Once back on the bus, we reached the hotel very quickly.  Jen went for another swim and I went to the coffee shop, where I joined Pat and Chris.  It was buffet only so we went to the restaurant.  We told the waiters that we were in a real hurry.  Mike joined us and then Reg and Pam, and finally Jen when she had finished her swim.  We finished eating at 1415 and the bills arrived soon after.  Then there was a frustrating delay while they tried to get change for us.  We experienced similar delays throughout the trip.  Then we dashed back to our rooms before rushing back down to get on the bus to move on to the next city, Madurai.

Madurai was 132 kilometres away.  I nodded off and woke up to see coconut plantations and more paddy fields.  Some of the houses had thatched roofs.  Lukose said that the thatch was made using coconut leaves and it would last 3-4 years, depending on rainfall.

Random Rocky Outcrop
At 62km, the ground sprouted with small steep hills and we began a gradual climb which slowed the bus.  Although the scenery here was less green than before, there were still rivers and the occasional pond.  We saw some jute beside the road, which reminded me of our school trip to the Commonwealth Institute way back when jute had been a major export from India.

We arrived at our hotel, the Hotel Pandipan near the race course in Madurai, around 1700.  Jen and I tried to get two card keys so that we could go out separately, but it took three tries to sort it out – and I’m not sure they even managed it then.  They seemed to cancel the first card when setting up the second and it was all frustrating.  Other than that, the hotel was fine.

Making Doshas (1)
After a brief rest, we gathered to go into town for dinner.  The centre of town was across the river so it was quite a drive.  The restaurant was on the roof of the Hotel Supreme, which was the 7th floor.

Lukose recommended the doshas, so we all complied.  I ordered a mushroom dosha, which was very nice although some of the sauces were cold.  Lukose instructed us in the correct way to eat a dosha.

Making Doshas (2)
As we ate, the moon rose.  It was large, nearly full and appeared orange as it came through the clouds.  The city lights came on and we could see the first two gopurams of the temple.  I could see Orion immediately above.  There was a brief power cut at one point.  I wished it could have lasted longer because the view of the stars was incredible.
Doshas Ready for Stuffing

I had a banana pancake for dessert, which was also very nice.  With a lime and soda and the tip, my meal came to Rs 220 – less than £3!

After dinner, it was back to the hotel for an early night.

Note: The Dosha photos were taken on 10 February in the market in Usilambatti.

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