Southern India - 6 February 2012 (2)

Chennai City Sight-Seeing (2)

Gopuram, Kapaleeswarar Temple
Detail of Gopuram, Kapaleeswarar Temple
Back on the bus, we drove past Marina Beach and headed for the suburb of Mylapore, to visit the Kapaleeswarar Temple.  On the way, we passed a school, where the pupils looked as though they were square-bashing in the playground.  We crossed a river near to a railway station.  There were a lot of plants, but the water and riverbank were full of rubbish.

Wedding in Kapaleeswarar Temple
We got out of the bus and walked to the temple.  The ground outside was very dirty, so it was unpleasant to walk into the temple from where we had to leave our shoes.  Luckily it was cleaner inside.

Family in Kapaleeswarar Temple
Some weddings were in progress inside the temple.  We saw a bride and groom decorated with garlands.  I saw a bull statue and wanted a photo.  A large family group were sitting next to it and they asked me to take photos of them instead.  I was more than happy to comply.

Temple Tank, Mylapore
Trendy Young Girl in Temple
I went outside the rear of the temple and saw the large tank lying behind.  Some boys were swimming in the water.  There were some flower stalls outside the temple walls.  One lady tried to give us “free” garlands, but then chased Bella for payment.

Young Couple in Temple
Sad Young Bullock in Temple
Back inside the temple, I continued my stroll round the central point and saw a young bullock looking a bit sad.  I met two young girls, one of whom insisted that she pose for a photo.  Then a young couple posed for their photo too.  Once again I could see that my holiday photos would not disappoint my best friend, who once complained that there were not enough people in my shots.  Further round still, there was a cattle pen, full of the temple’s animals, some of which were very young.  I assumed these were sacred cows – although some were definitely male – but Lukose said that many people eat cows in the south, which put a different spin on things.

Mice on Kapaleeswarar Temple
Cows on Kapaleeswarar Temple

Peacock & Cobra Kapaleeswarar Temple
Cattle in Kapaleeswarar Temple

Cathedral of San Tomé

Our next stop was the Cathedral of San Tomé.  Legend has it that St Thomas (of Doubting Thomas fame) travelled to India, where he founded an apostolic church and then died.  He is said to be buried under this cathedral, making it one of only three in the world which claim to be built over an apostle – the other two being St Peters in Rome and Santiago de Compostella.

Cathedral of San Tomé
As usual, I waited outside and people watched.  I noticed that the Indians who entered the cathedral took their shoes off as if it were a temple.  Our party did not, as there was no requirement to do so.  I also squirrel watched.  The ground squirrels proved impossible to photograph as they scurried up the cathedral walls at speed and disappeared onto the roof.  I wondered if they chewed the wire cables which were attached to the building.

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