Egypt - 11 October 2010 (3)

Fort Qaitbey
Fort Qaitbey
Canons outside Fort Qaitbey
After our final dose of Roman ruins, we got back on the bus and headed to Fort Qaitbey, on the site of the ancient Pharos at the end of the harbour.  We walked around and inside the fort, while Mona explained the history, the canons, the mosque and the water systems.  A small part of the lighthouse can be found inside the fort, but it is part of a later Byzantine addition.  Mona said that the lighthouse was not destroyed until the 15th century.  Many of the stones were recycled to build the fort.

Possibly the Base of the Lighthouse
Fort Qaitbey
The heat took its toll and it was difficult to keep my attention fixed on what Mona was saying.  When we had reached the top of the fort, we were allowed to explore on our own.  I walked around the wide parapet and took photos of the buildings along the Corniche.  When I felt that I had seen enough, I joined the others in the courtyard and sat in the shade.

View of Harbour from the Fort
Fort Qaitbey - from Restaurant Window
Once we were all together again, we were taken to a restaurant on the Corniche for lunch.  It was a very small place, but we sat upstairs where we had a good view of the fort.  I felt very hungry, so I ordered two falafels and some rice.  I did not eat the rice as it was covered in a sauce and I was very wary of sauces after the episode in Susa.  A couple came in, the woman covered in a burka.  Anne registered her disapproval by making tutting noises.  The couple registered their disapproval of us and soon left without eating anything.

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