Tunisia - 1 October 2010 (1)

Camel outside Hotel
"Typical" Berber Tent
We were all ready to go long before our departure time of 08.00.  Another camel was parked outside the hotel and I took some photos of him while the others were looking at the souvenirs on display.  His owner rushed over and asked for payment – whoops!

Dates drying on Toujane Roof
As we headed further into the desert, we saw more irrigation terraces.  We had to stop at one point because a flock of goats were blocking the road.  Our first stop was a look out point, from where we could see a Berber village.  There wasn’t a single patch of green, but we could hear animals somewhere, including a donkey.

Lotfi working an Olive Mill
Then we headed down to Toujane to see an olive mill.  Half of the village was deserted, because the residents had moved to Sfax or Tunis.  The houses which were still inhabited were whitewashed.  One had dates drying on the roof. 

Olive Press
We went into the mill, which was empty at the time, because the olive season was still a month away.  Despite the months of non-use, I could smell the horse which was used to turn the two large stones which crush the olives.  Lotfi tried to show us how the mill worked and was able to turn the stones a little bit.  Robin had a go too and was surprisingly successful.  The olive press was in another room.  The olives are put into flat baskets and then piled under the press, which comes down and squeezes out the oil.

When we got outside, I waved to a lady wearing a shocking pink shawl.  She gave no reaction, but a little boy waved back and ran over to say hello.  I gave him a pen.

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