Southern India - 11 February 2012 (2)

Boat Ride on the Kerala Backwaters 
St Joseph - Our Boat on Kerala Backwaters

Kerala Backwaters
Kerala Backwaters
Eventually Lukose managed to get us all back on the bus and we headed off to our boat for our three-hour cruise on the Kerala Backwaters.  The boat was ready and waiting for us and we headed for the roof, where there were some chairs under an awning.  As soon as we set off, Steve and I relocated to the front to get a better view.  Chris and Bella soon joined us.

Cormorant Disturbed by Boat
Women Washing Clothes
I was on the lookout for some interesting birds but, sadly, only darters, egrets and cormorants could be seen without the use of binoculars, which no one had brought with them.  Still, the scenery was lovely, with brightly coloured houses, palm trees and lots of other vegetation.  People were washing their clothes in the river and we could hear the loud “thwacks” as they bashed them on a step or a post to get the water out.

Don't Look Up!
Cow Having a Drink
Trouble hit when we passed under some telegraph wires where a flock of terns were sitting.  As the boat passed underneath, the birds took off and I took a hit right in the left eye.  Luckily, reflexes cut in and the eye shut in time, but I think something must have got in because my eye became sore and my vision was fuzzy for several hours afterwards.  At least it wasn’t as big and wet as pigeon poo.

House on Kerala Backwaters
Rowing on Kerala Backwaters

A Tricky Perch!
Waterside Village
At first we were in a very wide canal, but later we turned into some narrower canals which was much better.  We passed more houses and then some banana house boats.  These are made from banana leaves and can be hired by the hour, week or day, together with a cook and other servants as well as the pilot.  People were enjoying the trip, lounging on the front deck with drinks in their hands.  Everyone waved to us and we waved back.  We also waved to people living, strolling and working alongside the canals.  Several rowing boats crossed the canals in front of us, some with the whole family on board.

Tuk Tuk on Bridge Over Kerala Backwaters
Not So Scenic Power Station
At one point, the boat came to a stop because some water hyacinth got inside the engine.  It got very hot as we waited for them to fix it: the breeze as we cruised along had made such a difference.  While we waited, we saw a parrot and two drongos, though too far away for photos.

Family Out On The Water
Banana Boat
I had made a big mistake on the boat, sitting at the front with my legs sticking out in front of me.  The bare bits of leg between my boots and my skirt had caught too much sun and were now bright red.  As I was wearing long skirts, I hadn’t thought to apply any sunscreen on my legs.

Lovely Spot for Doing the Washing
Banana Boats
The boat ride ended far too quickly and we found ourselves back on the bus and heading for Kochi.  Once again, I had forgotten to pull the curtain, so my seat was very hot when I got in.  I finished my book, gave it to Shona and slept most of the rest of the way.  During the morning, I had been very naughty and taken a photo of Pam and Reg when they were fast asleep.  Reg took the opportunity to get his own back, which I thought was very funny.

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